Zoonoses 1 vol
Diseases that we can get from your pet.
Zoonoses are infectious diseases in which their natural transmission from animal to human is possible.
There are over 200 potential zoonoses of dog and cat and can be caused by prions, viruses, bacteria, parasites or fungi.
The transmission of such disease from animal to human usually ends the infection process, interhuman transmission is very rare, only mother-to-fetal transmission (transplacental) is clinically serious.
Among the significant zoonoses, rabies, toxoplasmosis, dermatophytosis, helminthosis (intestinal parasites), borreliosis, leptospirosis, chlamydiosis, tick-borne encephalitis, feline scratching disease, dirofilariosis and digestive tacerial infections should be mentioned.
PESNOTA - the most dangerous viral disease (Rhabdoviridae), manifested in headaches, anxiety, hallucinations, fear of water, aggression, drooling and ending in death. Slovakia has been free from this disease since 2009, but the border regions with Poland and Ukraine are still risky (wildlife penetration). Vaccination against rabies is legally required.
TOXOPLAZMOSIS - parasitic disease (Toxoplasma gondii), definite host of cats, intermediate hosts are other vertebrates including humans. Cat contagion is usually the intake of raw or poorly cooked meat. Clinics are characterized by fever, fatigue, headache, throat, muscles, joints, enlargement of lymph nodes, pneumonia, vomiting, diarrhea, or skin changes. The infected cats shed the parasite's eggs with faeces, so it is necessary to wash fruits and vegetables from the garden properly before eating. It is often possible to get infected by manipulating raw meat.
DERMATOPHYTHOSIS - fungal disease of the skin, hair, claws, these fungi often occur in the fur of pets and the disease manifests in young or debilitated individuals, causing hair loss, baldness, itchy 2-3 cm large round deposits of inflamed, scaly skin on the scalp and limbs. As a precaution, we recommend emphasizing hygiene and disinfection after contact with the diseased animal.
HELMINTOSES - diseases caused by parasites of the digestive tract (Echinococcus, Toxocara, Trichinella, Taenia, Anisakis, ...) but also other internal organs. They cause redness and infection is possible due to poor hygiene of hands, food, or very close contact with the pet. Symptoms are abdominal pain, cramps, weight loss, diarrhea or constipation, anemia. It is important to emphasize regular worming of a four-legged family member every three months. Some countries report that animals must be dewormed before traveling to their territory, mainly because of infection by tapeworms.
CHLAMYDIOSIS - bacterial disease (Chlamydophila spp.), Often feline, transmissible by contact, inhalation of aerosol and objects, affects mainly young individuals with poorly developed immunity. It causes conjunctivitis, sneezing, eye, nose, fever and pneumonia. Prevention is the hygiene and disinfection of hands and objects after contact with the infected animal.
FATHER SCRAP DISEASE - Bacterial disease (Bartonella henselae), about 40% of cats carry the disease, after scratching / biting, redness to purulent rash appears around the infected wound, swollen lymph nodes, headache, raised fever, malaise. Prevention is careful handling and treatment of the wound after scratching.
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