Thelasia (Thelazia callipaeda)
It is a parasitic ophthalmological (eye) disease of carnivores and humans. It is transmitted by the forest species Drosophilous fly Phortica variegata. This parasite is present in the conjunctival sac and lacrimal canals. It causes conjunctivitis, increas
The first case of this disease was observed in 1910 in Pakistan and was therefore called the "oriental eyeworm". In Europe, its first occurrence was recorded in 1989 in Italy (Piedmont). After 2000, it appeared gradually in most of Europe. In 2016, it was also recorded in Slovakia in the vicinity of Košice and Michalovce and one case in Modra.
The treatment of this unpleasant disease consists in the administration of appropriate antiparasitic agents and manual removal of the parasites from the conjunctival sac.
We also have our own experience with Thelazia. When walking in the Račianské forests above the vineyards, we suddenly began to uncomfortably attack annoying flies. At first we didn't pay attention until one of our dogs started to scratch the eye. After thorough examination of the conjunctival sac, we observed two flies at this point. If this happens to you, remove the flies from the conjunctival sac as soon as possible and, as a precaution, it is advisable to administer the appropriate antiparasitic, which you will receive from your veterinarian.
We have had 4 cases of Thelasia in dogs and 1 in cats in our clinic in the last month, so there is no need to underestimate this disease and do not hesitate to visit a veterinarian if you notice symptoms.
Your the Primavet team