Polyodontia is an excessive number of teeth in the oral cavity. There are two types, true and false. We will address this false article.
It occurs in young dogs that are in the phase of tooth replacement. Normally, a permanent tooth will displace a dairy tooth. However, especially in small breeds there are cases where this is not the case, e.g. a permanent tooth does not have sufficient pressure on the milk tooth. If the milk tooth does not fall out by itself within about 7 months, it is advisable to visit a veterinarian and have the tooth ripped out. However, sometimes it is necessary to undergo extraction earlier if the permanent tooth grows in the wrong direction due to lack of space. It is, of course, individual and the veterinarian will assess when it is best for a particular dog to tear excess teeth. Milk canines (canines), incisivi (incisors) and premolars (jaw teeth) do not fall out most often.
So that we do not just focus on theory, we have prepared cases from our clinic with photo documentation.
The owner of Zoye came to us for the first time when she was about 5 months old. At that time she had 3 extra milk canins, along with which grew permanent. We agreed that they would lose a month to check if they would fall out. However, as nothing on the condition of the teeth has changed and, moreover, the dogs were bitten right, we had to rip the milk teeth out sooner. We sat down and looked through the whole oral cavity and there was one milk premolar waiting for us in addition to 3 canines.
The little tricolor was "lighter" by 4 teeth after lightning awakening.
Another case from the clinic was female Coco, who first had a completely different problem than her teeth. She suffered from pain in the paw, but in a clinical examination we found that she has all four milk canines. We have agreed that since it must be antibiotic-coated for pain, we will also tear off excess teeth. The day before the age of six months Coco came to rip teeth and their roots were indeed proper.