Pet - Your new family member
If your family has grown with a new animal member, it doesn't matter whether you decide to have a dog or a cat, you should always go with a vet to see it.
You don't have to take it the day you bring it home, it's a good idea to give it 3-4 days to "tap" in your new home.
Why actually have to go for a tour? Your veterinarian should give you a complete clinical examination of your pet. Check it out as it says "from head to toe". You may not notice many things at home, such as whether they have both testicles, whether they have a lane, and many other things.
It should explain to you how often you need to worm, when it is time to vaccinate, to give you advice on feeding, and to offer tips and tricks at the beginning of education.
What should be noted when you bring your pet home until you come to the vet with your pet?
Initially, the pet may be sad, he may not like the papate, may yell, all this is normal, so it shows that he mourns for his mother. This should be adjusted in a few days. Outside you need to notice the droppings to see parasites (they may look like white spaghetti), the appearance of urine - the color can range from light to dark yellow, any admixture of red is okay. All information collected will assist in the overall clinical examination.
We recommend that you pet your pet, why? Although the law does not follow, but it is important in the loss, running. If he has your phone number on the collar, he may well lose it. The chip is inserted under the skin on the left side of the neck and remains there until the end of life. They have a chip reader in each ambulance. We will find you in the central pet register under the chip number and we can call you to find your pet.
Are you going to travel abroad? Be sure to remember that your pet needs a passport. This passport is used not only for travel but also as a veterinary card, where vaccination, deworming, but also confirmation of clinical examination prior to travel or exhibition is indicated.
And what to conclude? We wish you a pleasant time with your new pet.
Your docs from Primavet.sk