Higher age and your pet
We must not forget our faithful animal companions, even at retirement age.
We have already devoted ourselves to a pediatric patient (“New Family Member”), but we must not forget our faithful animal companions at retirement age.
When does your dog or cat belong to geriatricians? It depends on the breed, size and weight. As a rule, the larger the dog, the unfortunately the shorter his life (is the difference between 8-year-old chihuahua and 8-year-old German shepherd). Of course, this rule does not apply strictly, we have already met with a 13-year-old German shepherd who was fit.
Dogs of smaller breeds live longer than large breeds. Cats are generally long-lived. So, when is it appropriate to come to the vet for a show? If you have a small dog, nothing will go wrong if you come to his fifth-sixth birthday. If you have a big giant at home give him a present for his fifth birthday and stop by your vet.
Why should you go for a vet check-up? You can say that your dog, cat is healthy, he likes to eat, so why? Many diseases can occur asymptomatically, which means no symptoms, which the owner would notice.
Which includes all such search? First we ask the owner if the dog, the cat have no problems that they would notice. Many questions can be special for the owner, but very important to us. Then we go to clinical examination, weight, temperature, heart, belly, we look through it all. Last but not least, we take blood and make hematological (blood count - white and red blood cells) and biochemical analysis (liver and kidney enzymes, glucose).
For older dogs we recommend to have such examination at least once a year.
We wish you pleasantly spent with your pet and do not forget to think about his health even in his older age!
We are available whenever needed.
Your veterinarians from Primavet.sk