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Gingivitis with cats

Gingivitis with cats

Early symptoms suggested various diagnoses.

What is gingivitis in cats and how to properly diagnose and treat the disease?

Over the past year, we have dealt with two interesting patients who have described similar symptoms of the disease by the owners. These included decreased appetite, granule intake problems, bad breath, audible murmurs and nasal discharge.

During the examination we found out that cats have changes in the gums, marked redness and, in the second case, tartar.

A blood test has been proposed to exclude or confirm inflammation and of course tests have been recommended to determine whether cats are suffering from a malignant disease such as feline AIDS (FIV) and feline leukemia (FeLV), where changes in the oral cavity are common findings.

After a negative outcome of both diseases we decided on antibiotic treatment. For some time the symptoms were relieved, but then repeated. In both cases, the removal of all teeth was recommended for suspicion of a disease called lymphocytic-plasmocytic gingivitis and stomatidide (the name according to the cells found here). This is probably an inadequate immune response to bacteria found in plaque. However, the exact causes and explanations why the disease develops are not yet known.

The owners agreed with the proposed procedure, so the plan was as follows:

During the first procedure, teeth were pulled from one half of the oral cavity and the other half.

The owners were afraid at the beginning, because they could not imagine how cats will exist and pope without teeth. In the end, however, their pets confirmed their bravery and rewarded them with immediate satisfaction after the intervention, which was manifested mainly by increased appetite.

The cats are great at the moment, they started with the taste of popes and granules, and of course they gave way to hoarseness and runny nose, which makes us extremely happy
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